The Project: Cambridge University, Judge Business School/UNICEF

Hayfield Group, one of our long term consultancy partners, provided executive leadership coaching to 140 country and regional representatives of UNICEF who participated in the bespoke Senior Leadership Development Programme designed and delivered from 2011 to 2014 by Cambridge University Judge Business School (Executive Education).

The objectives of the coaching were to facilitate the emergence of a coaching culture within UNICEF and provide a confidential, reflective space for each individual leader who was matched with an executive coach for approximately 10 months.

The coaching supported the participants’ individual learning journeys with a blend of in-person and distance individual coaching, delivered to cohorts of 35.

Cohort 4 was offered the opportunity to participate in a voluntary 360 feedback review (building on the demand for this from the third cohort). The timing of this was critical – it was discussed and explained during the first in person coaching meeting (study block 1). To maximise the value of the process, each relationship between the coach and leader needed to have moved through the initial rapport building phase to become a trusting one.

 Hayfield asked Engauge to tailor a 360 review system to fit UNICEF’s programme.

 Why Engauge was selected

 Hayfield’s familiarity with the way we approach projects and facilitate 360 feedback reports gave them confidence that we would be equipped to tailor a 360 review system to meet UNICEF’s needs.

Their coaches welcomed our comprehensive briefing sessions, including the opportunity to review a sample report and ask any questions about the 360 process or the presentation in the report. They also had full access to support from Engauge throughout the process; we were available to talk through the features of a participant’s report if they identified points that might need clarification before going into the feedback session.

The Outcome

 34 of the 35-strong cohort chose to take up the opportunity of a 360 review as part of the programme.  A total of 450 people contributed reviews (90 % of all invited reviewers). Those who received 360 reviews found the results enlightening, liberating and an enhancement to their development.

I see Engauge as partners I can trust.  They have a vivid sense of the output of their work so they can see right down the food chain to the end, end, end user.  They bring that awareness right back into every conversation and apply it to the design, positioning and crafting of qualitative questions.  I cannot imagine a partnership that would be more effective and more confidence building for people who are new to using this type of instrument.

Jane Thompson – Hayfield Group