The Project

Elconsulting Cambridge was appointed to design and conduct a development programme for is one of Europe’s leading online hotel reservation providers, currently selling over 2 million hotel nights per year. Founded in 1999, the company won “Growth Strategy of the Year” at the 2005 National Business Awards. After a period of rapid growth and change, the Directors at believed the time was right to support their entire management team in raising the game ready for the next phase of business expansion. As the organisation had grown, so too had demands on its managers, and the time had come for a comprehensive review for both individual and team performances.

Why Engauge was selected

As experienced users of 360-degree solutions, elconsulting trusted Engauge to give them sophisticated tools and unparalleled support service. The Directors of had personal experience of 360s and therefore had specific demands and high expectations for the project. They wanted their programme to include online tools with a pedigree, and Engauge’s track record of completing successful projects for world-class companies – from banks and construction companies to Formula One racing teams – met their needs perfectly. They approved elconsulting’s choice of 360 feedback supplier.

The partnership approach meant Elconsulting was able to provide quality coaching support and a personal touch, to the whole programme without having the burden of having to also support the 360 degree process. The feedback in Booking’s reports was completely anonymous, even to the coaches who then carried out initial feedback sessions resulting in agreed objectives to move forward.

The Outcome

The results revealed straightforward knowledge gaps around practical techniques that had never been considered before, but in other cases. In addition, managers were not always aware of the effect of their actions, or if they were, they had no idea what to do about it. The programme revealed simple steps that smoothed out what had been real bugbears for team members or colleagues. The managers were motivated to take the steps when they saw the evidence data in black and white, and the process revealed that Booking’s business growth could be driven by creating clearer short-term goals and more streamlined training practice.

The results also revealed Booking’s strengths, with the 360-degree programme producing high scores for integrity, vision, strategic decision-making and managing people. Using the Engauge 360 solution, gave elconsulting Cambridge and executive team valuable insights which allowed them to hone the coaching programme, maximising the improvements delivered by the project.

All users experience a seamless technical service, and are impressed with the technology and quality of the final reports.

Any user who has experienced the 360 process in another life always praises the sophistication and professionalism of the tool and service.”

Judith Elliott, Managing Director, Elconsulting Cambridge Ltd.