The Project

Engauge has worked with Kier Group since 2004 when the company was asked to set up a tailored competency-based 360 degree feedback solution, designed specifically to support the Groups’ Executive Leadership Programme designed for senior managers.

Engauge worked closely with the L&D team to create bespoke assessment to maximise the benefits delivered by their development programmes.

Why Engauge was selected

Engauge was the Kier Group’s choice of supplier right from the outset. The flexibility of the Engauge 360 degree feedback solution meant that it could be used to underpin the executive programme as well as development programmes for other staff within Kier Group.

The Outcome – £300,000 saving on recruitment cost

Over the years, Engauge’s brief has expanded to deliver 360 degree feedback for five development programmes. The work has delivered a range of outcomes, and results have enabled the L&D team to build a structured approach to developing leadership in the group.

In 2008 Kier Group’s Executive Leadership Programme won both a regional and a national award in the National Training Awards,

This extract from the case study presented at the National Training Awards event summarises the programme and outcomes:

Until 2003 there was little development for directors and senior managers of the group. Seventy percent of appointments to management boards were from external candidates rather than promotions. Staff turnover was running at 18 percent across the group. To keep the risk profile low and create greater continuity of business for the future, the retention and development of key senior executives was seen as paramount.

Kier developed a bespoke competency framework and based its Executive Leadership Programme (ELP) around it. It was launched in May 2004 for senior managers identified as potential directors within a three-five year time scale. Each Participant had an experienced director as a mentor to pass on know-how and leadership skills. Mentors also helped to set pre-course objectives and provide real world advice and support.

In 2005, the Kier Group board decided to extend the programme to existing directors in each of the businesses.

The result has been more internal candidates promoted to director positions – 60 percent of all director appointments in out construction business up to 2007. This has resulted in a saving of recruitment costs of around £300,000 and a reduction of staff turnover of ELP participations to 5 percent against a group average, which has now reduced to 14 percent in 2007.

Ian Lawson, Managing Director, Support Services, said the ELP had revolutionised Kier’s approach to executive development, and established a clear link between the skills being developed and success in the future.

 We are engaging and managing stakeholder relationships earlier in the construction process. Customer focus, communication and coaching are paramount to us being successful and profitable at this stage. We have reduced recruitment costs as we can promote more senior managers, demonstrating to other staff that there are also opportunities for them.

Paul Sealy, Head of Organisation Development:

The feedback process provides great clarity for our Executive Leadership Programme on precisely where candidates should focus their attention. By repeating the 360-feedback at the end of the programme, we are able to give them a view of their progress. They can then decide on which steps to take tomcontinue their development. We now use the same 360 solution for many of our other development
programmes at Kier.